Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Sandwich

Chris: [laughs]
Me: What?
C: Do you have the meat and ham?
M: The meat and ham?
C: Yeah.
M: Like, for a sandwich?
C: Yeah.
M: Oh, yeah. I have it. Is that what you want for dinner?
C: No.
M: For lunch?
C: No.
M: For what?
C: You know, for today.
M: Oh, ok. You're taking it to work?
C: Yeah.
M: Do you want a drink or anything?
C: No, it's not important.
M: Ok. What kind of bread?
C: ...
M: Chris? What kind of bread?
C: Huh?
M: For your sandwich.
C: Huh?
M: You don't remember?
C: No...

Friday, May 2, 2008

Mario Kart

Chris: Look at these people! They're just like us.
Me: Who?
C: These people here.
M: How are they like us?
C: It's neck and neck.
M: Are we playing Mario Kart? (We had played Mario Kart on DS all weekend while visiting grandparents)
C: Yeah.
M: Oh, ok. Who's winning?
C: It's a tie game.
M: What character are you playing?
C: Uh...I don't remember.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Chris: Oh man.
Me: What?
C: It was so much easier with Acer.
M: Acer? What?
C: It was so much easier with [mumble]...
M: What?
C: [snores]